RWTH Open Access Journals

As part of the state initiative, RWTH Aachen University participates in the state-wide infrastructure service for the publication of Open Access journals, recommended by DH.NRW and funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

As an RWTH member, the University Library (UB) supports you in publishing a scientific journal in Diamond Open Access. This can be, for example, the founding of a new journal, the migration of an existing open access journal or the transformation of a journal to Open Access.

If you are interested in our OJS offer, please contact

The following journals are managed by the University Library of RWTH Aachen University:


  • archimaera

    Architecture has many facets, as does the study of it. Architectural theory, architectural design and architectural history approach the common theme from very different angles, have developed a wide range of methods and are interested in a variety of historical and current topics. The diversity of these approaches is reflected all too clearly in the spectrum of architectural journals: each specialises in a particular area, dealing with topics related to design practice, following the theoretical and social discussion of architecture or viewing architecture as a historical phenomenon from a humanities perspective.

  • RWTH Open Journal

    The RWTH Open Journal is a sample journal to demonstrate the design possibilities and functions of Open Journal Systems (OJS).